Why Don’t You Inhale a Cigar

Cory Carnley Gainesville

February 9, 2023

Cigar are rolled bundles of dried and aged tobacco leaves. They are a time-honoured indulgence that dates back to before the 1400s.The traditional method of smoking cigar involves drawing the smoke into the mouth and exhaling it. Many smokers also push some of the smoke from their palate into their noses to experience its aroma and taste.

Health Risks

Inhaling tobacco smoke can cause a variety of health problems. Cigarette and cigar smoke contains toxins like nicotine, carbon monoxide (CO), ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, and other chemicals.

In addition, the inhalation of a cigar produces a significant amount of carboxyhemoglobin, which binds with haemoglobin in the blood, reducing its oxygen-carrying capacity. This can lead to various adverse effects, including breathing difficulties, heart palpitations, coughing, and lung disease.

Moreover, the nicotine content of cigars can be high. This can lead to addiction and dependence.

In 1998, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) released a monograph that made the case that regular cigar smoking is as dangerous as cigarette smoking. Many media outlets, including the New York Times, misinterpreted the report and attributed its conclusions to a conspiracy by cigar companies.


Imagine smoking a cigar and enjoying its taste, suddenly feeling sick. You may shiver, have a slight headache, have cold sweats, or, in more serious cases, throw up.

Inhaling a cigar increases the amount of nicotine in your system, which causes a mild form of nicotine poisoning called “cigar sickness.” It occurs more often among non-smokers and newbies and can be very unpleasant.

The best way to prevent cigar sickness is to smoke slowly and consume your cigar at a manageable pace. It’s also important not to smoke on an empty stomach.

Alternatively, try a technique called retro haling. This involves blowing out the last bits of smoke from your nose and exhaling through your mouth. It’s also a good idea to drink water during smoking session.


Smoking cigarettes, cigars, or other tobacco products releases nicotine into the air. Nicotine is a naturally occurring toxic chemical found in tobacco plants.

Cigar smoke is similar to cigarette smoke but contains higher levels of harmful compounds and chemicals. These compounds can cause serious health problems in both smokers and non-smokers.

It is also a significant source of indoor air pollution. It can also contaminate water, food and agricultural products.

The amount of nicotine in tobacco products varies from product to product. Some products have a high concentration of nicotine while others have less.

Nicotine is a highly addictive substance that can lead to addiction. It can also cause physical and mental health problems.

Although the nicotine in tobacco products is relatively safe, it can be dangerous when used in large amounts or when ingested (inhaled or absorbed through the skin). It can also increase blood pressure and heart rate temporarily. Pregnant women, children and people with certain health conditions best avoid it.


Cigars are a full sensory experience, offering aroma, flavour and touch subtleties. They’re a treat for all of the senses, and with practice, you will form preferences and enjoy cigars that perfectly match your tastes.

The taste of a cigar is a complex blend of the wrapper, binder and filler tobacco. Each of these components is crafted with care to offer an array of flavours and subtleties.

You can savour these flavours by gently pulling the smoke into your mouth and slowly relaxing and blowing it out of your nose or mouth (known as retro haling). This technique helps you pick up nuances you would probably not experience if you inhaled your cigars.

Inhaling a cigar can be dangerous, as it can cause a coughing fit and increase your risk of death. The thicker cigar smoke can also lead to an increased risk of lung cancer, so you should always exhale when smoking your cigar.